(I actually think that's the case.I have it in my database already.) This is really easy if, for example, there is already an AB 1769-IF4 module in there.

This is usually faster than creating a new entry from scratch.

If I were you, I would find a similar analog module, even if it's from a different AB product line, copy/rename it, and then make edits to it. There are several steps for adding a module. If you've never done this before, I'd review everything about it in HELP. If you're using parametric PLC symbols, then you have to make a new entry using the PLC Database File Editor. If you're using fixed-unit PLC symbols, then adding something new is as simple as creating the block, and then adding the catalog info to the database. Parametric symbols can adjust themselves to accommodate basically any rung spacing, whereas fixed-unit symbols have a set spacing that never changes. How you would go about adding modules to the PLC database depends on whether you're using parametric or fixed-unit plc symbols. In my opinion, being able to do this is an essential skill in ACADE, most especially when it comes to parametric PLC symbols. The software provides the tools you need to add products to the databases. For this reason, you may want to consider keeping a backup of your databases so that in the event of something bad happening, you don't lose all the additions you make over the years. It is up to us users to add new products to all of the catalogs. Autodesk leaves it up to the manufacturers to submit new product data on their own, and basically no one does. ACADE's libraries are very rarely updated.