I freely admit I'm not techie, though I would like to be and am trying hard to learn. I figure TAXI forum guys probably are far more educated on such matters. There doesn't seem to be a universal consensus as to why. However, a quickie search on the internet revealed that other people are having this noise issue as well. It's an old home and the wiring is very old. I've also wondered if maybe the power in my house just sucks. It really drives me nuts and I cannot possibly use it as it stands to record anything. Does anyone else have this problem? You can use a noise gate or the noise reducer, but this tends to clip the sound and then it sounds fake and/or crappy. It has lots of options, but I swear that no matter what I do, when it comes to high gain/distortion, the noise floor is just ridiculous on that thing. I got Guitar Rig 5 because I had heard good things about it. I have a modest home studio and I don't have zillions of dollars to buy amps, mics, etc. This can be done by right-clicking the "Native Access.exe" and selecting " Run as administrator".Ĭ: > Program Files > Common Files > Native Instruments > Service CenterI play a lot of hard rock/metal. Now open Native Access in administrator mode.Important note: Do NOT navigate to "C: > Users > *Your Username* > Documents"!Ģ.1 If missing the Native Instruments folderĬ: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3

Delete the Native Access.xml file and the *NAME OF PRODUCT IN DEMO MODE*.xml file.Mac HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center This can be solved by deleting the corrupted XML files and restarting Native Access. Now open Native Access to check if the products are now activated.Macintosh HD > Users > Shared > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3 The folder structure should then look like this: And finally, within the "Native Access" folder, create an additional folder named " ras3".Within that "Native Instruments" folder, create a new folder called " Native Access".In this location please create a new folder and name it " Native Instruments".Please note that if you can't carry out the steps in chapter 2, you might be missing the “Native Instruments” folder at the above location. 2.1 If missing the Native Instruments folder The activation should now work as expected. Delete the " Native Instruments" folder.This can be solved by following the steps outlined here: Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens You can check which products are registered to your account via this link: Ensure that you are logging in with the same email address you initially used to register your NI products. It may be that you are logged in via Native Access with the incorrect account (Native ID).